If a fund performs well, marginally higher costs are well
worth it. If it doesn’t, you must not invest in it in any case.
This question will seem almost blasphemous to anyone who has
been reading up about mutual funds on the Internet.
In the US and most other developed markets, advisors and
columnists make strenuous arguments to convince investors that costs are a
critical factor to consider while choosing mutual funds.
They will also offer you calculations to show how even a
small blip in costs affects your returns.
Different markets
But costs are certainly not one of the top factors that
Indian investors should worry about while choosing funds. This particularly
applies to equity funds. There are many reasons for this. For one, the absolute
level of returns that Indian equity markets usually deliver is much higher than
in the US. For instance, equity funds in India are expected to deliver at least
15 per cent a year to justify their risks.
Funds that have been around for 10 years or more have in
fact delivered an average return of about 22 per cent a year.
As against this, the annual expenses of equity funds range
between 1.5 per cent and 2.5 per cent. A difference of 1 percentage point in
expense ratio between two funds makes little difference to overall investor
Two, fund houses in India, unlike in the US, cannot charge
vastly different expenses or costs for similar products.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India limits the annual
expense ratio that any scheme may charge to unit-holders at 2.5 per cent of
assets. The charges reduce progressively as fund size increases. Entry loads,
or upfront charges on buying units, are completely banned.
Manager matters
In contrast, in the US, there is no regulatory cap on annual
expenses. Entry loads on funds can go up to 8 per cent of the NAV. This allows
room for fund houses in the US to differentiate their products on costs, which
Indian funds can’t.
Three, in the US the case for buying low-cost funds is often
made on the premise that the majority of active equity funds don’t outperform
the market.
Why pay a manager any extra fee for active management, when
you can get the same return through an index fund or exchange-traded fund?
But in India, active management does make a big difference
to equity returns. The top-performing equity fund over the last five years, for
instance, delivered a 13 per cent annualised return. The Sensex delivered less
than 2 per cent.
If an active fund manager beat the Sensex by 11 percentage
points, would you mind paying an extra 1 per cent in fees to the manager?
The vast difference between the best and worst performing
funds in India also suggests that the manager can make a big difference to
returns. The worst equity fund has lost about 7 per cent a year in value over
the last five years.
To top it off, passive index products in India are far from
perfect. The indices themselves are narrow and concentrated.
Funds that track them have significant tracking errors which
reduce returns. Advocates of low-cost investing may still offer two
One, equity-fund returns in India over the last five years
have declined to single digits. So shouldn’t costs matter now? And two, costs
may badly dent returns from a poorly performing fund.
Well, the honest response to this is that if you believe
that equity funds will deliver only single-digit returns over the long term,
which they did in the last five years, there is no point in investing in them
at all.
Why take on equity risk if the returns are to be so measly?
Costs don’t enter into the picture here.
The same logic goes for poorly performing funds, too. If an
equity fund delivers only a 6 per cent return, but sports an economical expense
ratio of, say, 1 per cent, why go for it at all? You invest in funds to
multiply your money, not to save a few paise here and there. The only situation
in which costs may matter is if you are choosing between two funds with
identical track records and prospects. If faced with such a choice, go for the
one with lower costs, by all means!
Sorce: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/features/investment-world/mutual-funds/article3696721.ece