ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund has introduced Net Asset Value
Appreciation Trigger (NAT) facility in select schemes for the benefit of the
unit holders with effect from April 6, 2012. NAT is a standing instruction
given by the investor to switch units from source scheme to a target scheme in
a given folio, when a particular criteria is satisfied.
Currently, on appreciation of 0.75% or more in Net Asset
Value, the trigger will be hit, accordingly, the appreciation amount will be
switched from source scheme to target scheme. Switch transaction will be
processed on the business day the trigger condition is satisfied. The load
structure prevalent at the time of enrolment shall govern the investors during
the tenure of the NAT.
Source: http://www.rsec.co.in/market-and-news/mutual-funds/mutual-fund-news-details/icici-prudential-mf-introduces-net-asset-value-appreciation-trigger-facility/180363